Software Update V4.3.x

This is no boar-ing tale…. We’re happy to announce the release of LightningPiggy version 4.3.x! Here’s the change log.
User Experience Improvements
- Display all incoming payments for the wallet, including non-LNURL payments that come in through a regular invoice.
- Show battery as percentage instead of voltage.
- Reduce “Tilted!” time after tilt from 5 seconds to 2.
- Refresh display when device is tilted (if tilt sensor is present between pin 32 and 3V3).
- Add support for alternative LNBits HTTPS port configuration (instead of default 443).
- Refresh balance and payments every 15 minutes to enhance resilience against server disconnections and network glitches.
- Improve “Unknown Balance” error display.
- Improve watchdog reset timing.
User Interface Improvements
- Only show battery info when a battery is detected; absence of info implies no battery detected.
- Do not show hardware info on-screen to conserve valuable screen space.
- Fix erroneous usage of LNBits HTTPS port for non-LNBits hosts.
- Fix crash when attempting to request time from network when network is not connected.
- Ensure compilation works on both arduino-esp 2.x and 3.x.
- Fix bug causing incoming payments not to show up when starting with an empty wallet.
- Feed watchdog while retrying HTTPS connections to prevent it from thinking the device is hanging and restarting.
- Fix long number formatting.
- Flag balance and payments for refresh when WiFi (re)connects to clear display of any error messages.
- Retry SSL (HTTPS) connections up to 3 times in case of failure.
- Fix potential websocket handler race condition.
Credits: Thomas