Born in an industrial pig farm, LightningPiggy and his family were kept in cramped and suffering conditions.

One stormy day, the farmer opened up the factory and herded all the pigs into the back of a lorry. Everyone was so scared they thought they were going to the abattoir to be ultimately eaten.

During the journey, the storm worsened, and the lorry was struck by lightning. LightningPiggy seized the moment and ran free, with the farmer chasing him into a forest.

While on the run, he saw a rabbit hole and dived straight in. Hearing voices outside, he kept running, deeper and deeper down the hole, which turned out to be very deep indeed.

In the darkness, he saw a light—held by a green rabbit named Gigi. They met, and Gigi gave him a headlight in the shape of a lightning bolt to help him find his way.

Next, he encountered a golden monkey named Schifty, who tried to trade his headlight for a dumb lump of rock. LightningPiggy politely declined, and Schifty swung away on overhanging tree roots.

Lost and very hungry, LightningPiggy then met a rat named Craig Wrong at a junction with 21 different paths. Craig confidently directed LightningPiggy down a passageway that led directly to a killer ants’ nest!

Fortunately, a space cat named Hodlnaut, who knew the rabbit hole well, hopped to the rescue. He gave LightningPiggy a map with a route to the secret “Chamber of Answers.”

Following the map, he found the Chamber of Answers deep down the rabbit hole, where two cypherpunks, Satoshi (an owl) and Hal (a black leopard), were busy writing code. They gave LightningPiggy a brightly colored songbird named Torogoz to lead him out to a new world where everyone is free, happy, and able to live their lives happily ever after.