Design, build and decorate a piggy using any materials you wish. Please include your name (or nickname) and age if you would like to share that information.


  • It doesn’t have to be a pig.
  • You can attach either a dummy computer screen or a dummy computer to your design for extra realism.
  • If you have a great idea, but don’t have the materials and/or equipment, you can design your piggy on paper. Include drawings and any extra information you think that’s needed to make it.

Friends of LightningPiggy

Owl: Wise and fearless | Inspiration: Satoshi

Black Panther: Smart, cool, and fit, shadowy super coder | Inspiration: Hal

Space Cat: Likes tacos | Inspiration: Hodlnaut

Rabbit: Bright green and orange eyed | Inspiration: Gigi

Two Pizzas: Delicious but expensive | Inspiration: Laszlo

Torogoz (A colourful bird): Leading the way | Inspiration: Torogoz, the National bird of El Salvador

Honey Badger: Fearless defender of truth | Inspiration: Max Keiser

Purple Fluffy Ostrich: Speaks freely all of the time | Inspiration: Nostr

Golden Monkey, aka Schifty: Dishonest troublemaker |  Inspiration: Peter Schiff

Rat: Claims to be everything he is not with an Aussie accent | Inspiration: Craig Wrong